• Caspian
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 12, 2023
    On week 12, freight rates in Azov and Black Sea region started to fall again.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 11, 2023
    Freight rates remain on the same level on week 11 in the Azov and Black sea region
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 10, 2023
    On week 10, freight rates in Azov and Black Sea region continue to grow.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 9, 2023
    On week 9, there is an increase in freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 8, 2023
    Freight rates remain on the same level Azov and Black Sea region.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 7, 2023
    Freight rates remain on the same level Azov and Black Sea region.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 6, 2023
    On week 6, freight rates declined in both the Caspian and the Azov and Black Sea region.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 4, 2025
    On week 4, the downward trend does not continue in Azov and Black Sea […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 3, 2023
    On week 3, the downward trend continues in Azov and Black Sea freight market.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 52, 2023
    On week 52 freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region continue to fall.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 51, 2023
    On week 51, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region continue to decline.
    Russia and Azerbaijan Discuss Measures to Prevent Caspian from Shallowing
    Russia and Azerbaijan are to adopt a joint program, which will include adaptation measures on the shallowin of the Caspian Sea in the first quarter of 2025.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 50, 2023
    On week 50, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region continue to decrease.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 49, 2023
    On week 49, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region began to fall again.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 48, 2023
    There is no increase in the activity in the grain market.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 47, 2023
    On week 47, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region are maintained at the level of last week.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 46, 2023
    On week 46, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region continue to decline.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 45, 2023
    On week 45, freight rates in Azov and Black Sea region moved downward.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 44, 2023
    On week 44, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region remain stable.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 43, 2023
    On week 43, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region remain at the level of $32 per ton for a shipment of 3,000 tons of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 42, 2023
    Freight rates continue to decrease on week 42 in the Azov and Black Sea region.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 41, 2023
    On week 41, a sharp decline in freight rates is to be observed in the Azov and Black Sea region.
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 39, 2023
    Freight rates continue to increase on the 39th week in the Azov-Black sea region […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 38, 2023
    On week 38, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region have slightly […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 37, 2023
    On week 37, freight rates remain in the Azov and Black Sea region remain […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 36, 2023
    On week 36, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region remained partly […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 35, 2023
    On week 35, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region remain on […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 34, 2023
    On week 34, freight rates in the Azov and Black sea region remain on […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 33, 2023
    On week 33, there is an increase in freight rates in the Azov and […]
    Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 32, 2023
    On week 32, freight rates in the Azov and Black Sea region remain at […]
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