Контейнерный поезд из Владивостока в Тольятти

Block Train from Vladivostok to Togliatti Launched

  • FESCO Transport Group has launched a new block train from Vladivostok in the Russian Far East to Togliatti in Central Russia, the group said in a statement.

    The train will run from Commercial Port of Vladivostok, part of FESCO, to the railway station of Zhigulevskoe More with a transit time of 10 days.

    The first regular block train carrying 155 TEU left Vladivostok on September 10.

    The service is aimed for consumer goods, car parts, metal and chemical products, and industrial equipment for consignees in the Volga region.

    The new service complements the Vladivostok – Samara block train launched earlier and is the 19th service launched by FESCO from Vladivostok to other Russian cities.

    Photo: courtesy of FESCO

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