FESCO открыла навигацию на Чукотку в рамках северного завоза

FESCO Starts Northern Supply Programme for Chukotka

  • FESCO Transport Group has started its seasonal service to the Chukotka Peninsula under the Northern Supply programme that provides delivery of fuel, food products and other cargo to the remote areas in the Arctic and the Russian Far East.

    The first container vessel set sail on June 12 from Commercial Port of Vladivostok to deliver 56 tons of general cargo and 316 TEU laden with food products, medicines, and equipment. The vessel is expected to arrive at Anadyr on June 20 and at Egvekinot on June 23.

    FESCO Anadyr Direct Line will be served by two container ships. During the navigation season, they are expected to make five voyages to Chukotka.

    Photo: courtesy of FESCO

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