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VSC Deploys Additional Reach Stackers

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Vostochnaya Stevedoring Company, part of the Global Ports Group, has put into operation two new reach stackers. The terminal purchased the equipment as part of the operating facilities upgrade program.

    The new reach stackers with a lifting capacity of 45 tons will be used to handle containers on railway platforms, as well as in yard operations. The technical specifications of the vehicles make it possible to stack containers up to five tiers high.

    The equipment will complement seven reach stackers already in operation at VSC.

    “Expanding the handling equipment fleet allows the terminal to operate at higher speeds both at the railway front and at the yard and minimizes downtime due to the need for repair work,” Ilya Dolgiy, the Managing Director of VSC, commented.

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