Газетная бумага выведена из-под действия курсовых экспортных пошлин

Newsprint Exempt from Exchange Rate Export Duties

  • The Government of the Russian Federation has exempted some paper and pulp products from exchange rate export duties, the Government press office reports.

    In accordance with Resolution No 1115 of August 19, newsprint and interliner are not subject to the exchange rate export duties till December 31, 2024.

    The decision is aimed at maintaining the profitability of paper manufacturers.

    Flexible export duties in respect of a number of commodities are in force since October 1, 2023 and are valid till the end of 2024. The duty makes 4% to 7% depending on the national currency exchange rate. With a rate of 80 rubles per dollar and below the duty is zero.

    Photo: MK Karton

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