В Ленобласти отремонтируют мост с учетом нагрузки порта Усть-Луга

Ust-Luga Traffic Growth Requires Bridge Reconstruction

  • A ridge via the Luga River in Leningrad region is to be reconstructed to respond to the growing freight traffic via the sea port of Ust-Luga, Leningrad Oblast Aleksandr Drozdenko said.

    ‘Leningrad Oblast embarks on a third major bridge project. After two new giant bridges in Podporozhie over the Svir and in Kirishi over the Volkhov River we are starting the overhaul of the large bridge over the Luga River in Ust-Luga,’ the regional government press office quotes Drozdenko as saying.

    ‘In two years a state of the art bridge will be built here, designed to provide for the cargo traffic of one of Russia’s largest seaports,’ he added.

    Photo: Leningrad Oblast Government social media account

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