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Rail Ferry Terminal in Baltiysk to Be Modernized

  • The rail ferry terminal in Baltiysk in Kaliningrad region is planned to be refurbished, Russia’s governmental port property management agency Rosmorport said in a statement.

    The terminal is currently operating above its project capacity, which makes 1.1 mn tons of cargo, or 18,000 railcars per annum. In fact, in 2023 the terminal handled more than 26,000 railcars, which is 1.6-fold above its project capacity.

    The modernization project envisages building four additional railway tracks with a total length of 1,795 m thus expanding the terminal railway line capacity from the current 220 to 320 railcars. As a result, the terminal will be able to handle a ferry and block trains simultaneously, Rosmorport press office explained.

    At present, Rosmorport if finalizing the contract with the contractor. The modernization project is expected to be completed in March 2026.

    Photo: RF Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport

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