Сухой порт «Благовещенск» свяжет автомобильный мост Благовещенск-Хэйхэ с жд инфраструктурой

New Dry Port to Link Blagoveschensk-Heihe Bridge to Railway Infrastructure

  • A new dry port to handle cargo transported in Russia-China trade is to be developed in the Amurskaya territory of advanced development.

    According to Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, Blagoveschensk Dry Port is to be put into operation by 2025. An agreement between the Corporation and the investor was signed at the end of May.

    Oktet Service, a new resident of the territory of advanced development, intends to invest more than 3.8 billion rubles ($42.6 million) into the project.

    The dry port will function as a link between the Blagoveschensk-Heihe road bridge and the railway infrastructure thus allowing of increasing freight flow between Russia and China via Blagoveschensk.

    The dry port will offer relay of containerized cargo from/to road to/from rail and other logistics services. It will occupy 300 ha of territory and have a capacity of more than 1 million tons per annum.

    Photo: Far East and Arctic Development Corporation

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