FESCO запустила регулярные LCL отправки из Вьетнама в Россию

FESCO Launches Regular LCL Service from Viet Nam to Russia via Vladivostok

  • FESCO Transport Group has launched regular container shipments of LCL cargo from Viet Nam to Russia via Vladivostok utilizing its Vietnam Direct Line (FVDL) service, the Group said in a statement

    The minimal shipment is one cubic meter, commodities accepted include dried and canned food products, car parts, clothes and footwear.

    LCL containers are consolidated at the SP-ITC terminal in the port of Ho Shu Minh where FESCO has established a reginal logistics hub, and loaded on board the Group’s vessels deployed in the FVDL service between Viet Nam and Commercial Port of Vladivostok, part of FESCO.

    The first LCL container was sent no April 7 and is expected to arrive at Vladivostok on April 18. The LCL service frequency is fortnightly.

    The LCL service includes shipping by sea as well as transport service from warehouse to warehouse, customs clearance, insurance and an option to deliver containers from Vladivostok to the western regions of Russia using FESCO-operated regular rail services.

    Photo: courtesy of FESCO

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