Новый контейнерный сервис по перевозке сельхозпродукции из Черноземья в Китай

New Container Service for Agriproducts from Russia to China

  • RZD Business Asset has launched a new container rail service for agricultural products from Southwest Russia to China, the company said in a statement.

    The first block train carrying 62 containers laden with grain cakes left for China from the station of Lebedyan and will be routed via the Nizhneleninskoe-Tunjiang border crossing.

    The final destination is Qingdao in China. The overall weight of the shipment is 1,500 tons.

    The new service is aimed to serve the exports of grains and oilseeds from Voronezh, Belgorod and Kursk regions to China.

    Products are packed into big bags and stuffed into containers at the producers’ facilities and trucked to the railway station for loading on board a train.

    Photo: RZD Business Asset social media

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