На восточном побережье Сахалина построят первый глубоководный порт

New Port to be Built on Sakhalin Island

  • A new deep-water port with an annual capacity up to 14 mn tons is to be built on the Sakhalin Island east coast, the regional government press office said in a statement.

    At present, design and survey work for the project is underway. ‘It is a landmark project and a key to the development of the island region,’ Sakhalin Governor Valery Limarenko is quoted as saying.

    The location for the new port was chosen near existing federal highway and railway line, with the closest railway station just 1.5 kilometers from the site.

    The new port will include terminals to handle oil, coal, condensed gas and bunker fuel as well as the related infrastructure. The port is planned to be put into operation in October 2027. The investment is estimated to make 80 bn rubles ($864 mn).

    Photo: Sakhalin Government press office

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