Янино получило лицензию СВХ

Yanino Licensed as Temporary Storage Facility

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Yanino Logistics Park LLC, part of Global Ports group, has been included in the temporary storage facilities owners register by the Saint-Petersburg Customs Office.

    This means that Yanino will now be able to provide a wider range of cargo handling services to its customers, including handling export cargo and cargo arriving to Russia from non-member countries of the Customs Union.

    Temporary storage facility offers a reduction in logistics costs for importers and exporters.

    Yanino’s temporary storage facility has the following parameters and equipment:

    • Permanent customs control zone capacity – 60 vehicles;
    • Open TSF yard capacity– 1,496 m2 area – 20 vehicles;
    • Automated information system to control vehicle arrivals, registration of acceptance/release of cargo;
    • Weighing equipment with various weighing limits;
    • Radiation control devices;
    • Handling equipment for handling of any type of cargo under 50 tons, including oversized;
    • Access to rail tracks.




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