Новый жд сервис из провинций Сычуань и Хэбэй в Московский регион

New Rail Service from China to Moscow

  • Ruscon, Delo Group’s multimodal transport operator, has launched a new railway container service from China’s provinces Sichuan and Hebei to Moscow region, Delo said in a statement.

    The train is routed from the stations of Manyan and Shíjiazhuang via the Erlian border crossing in China and Zamyn Uud border crossing in Mongolia and the Naushki station in Russia to Ruscon’s terminal at the station of Kresty.

    The service frequency is fortnightly with a transit time of 22 days. In future, the service frequency is to be increased to weekly.

    The service is aimed for consumer goods, car parts and equipment. Also, LCL, heavylift cargo and chemical products can be accepted.

    In China, Ruscon can load cargo from any railway station relying on its extensive agency network.

    Photo: courtesy of Delo Group

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