Ростех поставит цифровой телекомплекс для атомного ледокола «Россия»

Rostech to Supply Digital TV Complex for “Rossiya” Icebreaker

  • Roselektronika, part of Rostech State Corporation, will equipped the lead nuclear Design 10510 icebreaker “Rossiya” with a digital TV complex with a high radiation resistance, Rostech said in a statement.

    The equipment is designed for controlling technology processes in the reactor compartment and visually monitoring its condition.

    The complex includes a radiation-resistant camera capable of operating under instantaneous gamma radiation up to 2 Mrad/hour or accumulated radiation up to 200 Mrad developed by the Research Institute of Television, part of Roselektronika.

    The lens of the camera allows of receiving color and b/w images with a resolution of at least 1,000 TV lines at ambient temperatures up to 120 degrees Celsius. The camera has a new sealed housing with additional lights for low-visibility operation.

    “To date, the reactor compartment on board nuclear icebreakers is monitored by conventional cameras of the ship’s video surveillance system. They fail rather quickly when exposed to radiation. Our new radiation-resistant cameras are able to function inside the reactor compartment even under maximum radiation. The small dimensions and optics with gamma radiation resistant lenses allow the system to accurately monitor the processes taking place in the hazardous area and promptly make decisions in case of emergency situations. At the moment we are ready to offer such radiation-resistant complexes for the icebreakers of Project 22220 under construction,” Alexey Nikitin, Director General of the Research Institute of Television, commented.

    The “Rossiya” is the lead ship of the 10510 Leader Design developed to assist year=round navigation in the Northern Sea Route with ice up to 4.3 m thick. Due to the increased hull width the icebreaker will be capable of escorting large-tonnage vessels. The “Rossiya” is to be delivered in 2030.

    «Россия» – головной ледокол проекта 10510 «Лидер», призванный обеспечить круглогодичную навигацию по Северному морскому пути при толщине льда до 4,3 м. За счет увеличенной ширины корпуса ледокол сможет выполнять проводку крупнотоннажных судов. Сдача ледокола планируется в 2030 году.

    Photo: Rosatomflot

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