Судно «Lady D» готовится к выходу в первый субсидируемый рейс на Сахалин по Севморпути

“Lady D” Setting Sail for First Subsidized Northern Sea Route Voyage to Sakhalin

  • The loading of the “Lady D” is underway in the port of Arkhangelsk. On July 27, the vessel is to set sail for the island of Sakhalin in the first subsidized voyage by the Northern Sea Route this year, the Sakhalin ministry of transport said in its social media account.

    According to Maksim Zhogolev, minister of transport and roads of Sakhalin region, the cargo was delivered from Moscow region to Arkhangelsk by rail in a block train. From Arkhangelsk, it will be shipped to the destination on board an ice-class vessel.

    Several logistics operators and Russian Railways are involved in the project.

    Photo: Sakhalin ministry of transport

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