На Сахалин после планового ремонта прибудет буровая платформа «Северное Сияние»

“Severnoe Siyanie” Rig Coming to Sakhalin after Maintenance

  • The frilling rig “Severnoe Siyanie” is to arrive at Sakhalin after planned maintenance it underwent in Zhoushan in China, the RF Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) said in a statement.

    The platform is expected to come to the port of Kholmsk roadstead on July 20, after that it will be towed to the Zyryanskay Bay, where it will be prepared for service drilling a well at the Yuzhno-Kirinskoe oil field.

    The catamaran-type rig with two pontoons and six columns was built at Vyborg Shipyard and launched in 2011. It is capable of drilling oil and gas wells up to 7.5 km deep at a depth of 70-500 m in split ice up to 70 cm thick.

    Vessel particulars:

    • upper structure length: 85 m
    • width: 73 m
    • height, tower included: 128 m
    • pontoon length: 119 m
    • width: 17 m
    • height: 10 m
    • power unit: 32 MWt.

    Photo: Rosmorrechflot

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