Modul has announced the expansion of its MAREX Russia – Latin America deep sea service port rotation. Launched in February 2023, the service initially called at St. Petersburg and two ports in Brazil, Paranagua and Santos.
During the first year of operations, MAREX carried more than 8,000 TEU and was expanded to call at seven ports: Suape, Salvador, Rio-de-Janeiro, Santos, Paranagua, Itapoa, and Rio-Grande.
The direct service with no transshipment either in Turkey or Europe and a transit time of just 20-25 days makes it quite popular with Brazilian reefer cargo shippers.
Russian exports carried by MAREX include fertilizers, construction materials, grain and confectionary. The back load consists of food products including fruit, coffee, cocoa beans, nuts and meat products.
According to Vladimir Gai, CCO, Modul, at the first stage, Montevideo and Buenos-Aires will be added to the service rotation.
Photo: courtesy of Modul