Пакистан интересует МТК «Север – Юг»

Pakistan Interested in North-South International Transport Corridor

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    Pakistan views strengthening its transport links with Russia as a critically important step in expanding mutual trade, Pakistani Minister of privatization, investment and communication Abdul Aleem Khan n a meeting with RF Vice Premier Alexey Overchuk in Moscow.

    The parties discussed important issues of Russia-Pakistan trade and economic cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats and noted the dynamic development of cooperation in the areas of transportation and logistics, industrial and investment cooperation.

    ‘We welcome Pakistan’s interest in developing the North-South international transport corridor, which is becoming one of the most important Eurasian trade lanes and strengthens the links between North Eurasian countries and the global South,’ the RF Government press office quotes Overchuk as saying.

    The parties agreed to continue active contacts between the two countries’ specialized agencies to discuss in detail further steps to implement the outlined plans.

    Photo: RF Government press office

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