Первые 800 тонн свежих томатов прибыли в порт Оля по МТК «Север-Юг»

First Tomato Shipment Delivered to Olya Port via North-South International Transport Corridor

  • The first shipment of fresh tomatoes has arrived at the Russian Caspian port of Olya directly from Turkmenistan via the North-South international transport corridor, the Southern Customs Authority reports.

    In the first ferry voyage from the port of Turkmenbashi, 40 trucks with trailers carrying 800 tons of tomatoes were delivered. The vegetables are designated for different destinations in Russia.

    For the return voyage to Turkmenistan, 800 tons of Belarussian cheese, Russian dairy products and consumer goods in 42 trucks and trailers were loaded.

    Photo: Southern Customs Authority

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