Новый контейнерный терминал «Вологодских лесопромышленников»

New Container Terminal for Timber Products

  • Vologodskie Lesopromyshlenniki Group (Vologda Timber Producers, VLP) has put into operation a container terminal in Novgorod region, the Group said in a statement.

    The new terminal will allow of directly loading sawn goods onto rail for delivery to China and ports in the Russian Far East for customers in Southeast Asia. Some 68% f the Group’s products is exported to China.

    An own terminal means better efficiency of finished product logistics and lower logistics costs, VLP said.

    To operate the terminal, the Group acquired a reach stacker and built a trestle for stuffing timber into containers. The investment into the project made more than 50 million rubles ($540 thousand).

    Photo: VLP

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