«Совфрахт» погрузил два комплекта портальных кранов на атомный контейнеровоз «Севморпуть»

Sovfracht Loads Two Portal Cranes on Board “Sevmorput” Nuclear Container Ship

  • Sovfracht has successfully moved two Sokol ANZ-500 portal cranes from the port of Vyssotsk to St. Petersburg and loaded them on board the nuclear-powered container vessel “Sevmorput”, the company said in a statement.

    The “Sevmorput” left St. Petersburg on October 13 and is expected to arrive at the port of Vostochny in the Russian Far East on November 3.

    The cranes are to be mounted in the port of Nakhodka and will help improve the terminal performance.

    Photo: Sovfracht

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