Первый контейнерный поезд из Китая прошел по новому жд мосту через Амур

First Block Train Crosses New Rail Bridge across Amur from China to Russia

  • The first block train from China has crossed the newly-built railway bridge linking Russia and China via the Amur River, Russian Railways said in their social media account. The train will deliver 55 containers laden with car parts to the station of Elektrougli in Moscow region.

    This is the first train to have carried imports across the Nizhneleninskoe – Tunjiang bridge crossing. Previously, the route was used for transporting export designated cargo only. Since the year start, more than 1.3 mn tons of cargo was carried across the bridge.

    According to Russian Railways, the plan is to send a block train from the station of Tunjiang every week.

    Photo: Russian Railways

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