Проект «Дело» по расширению паромного сообщения с Турцией

Delo Aims to Expand Ferry Service to Turkey

  • Delo Group presented its project to expand ferry service between Novorossiysk and Turkey to RF Vice Premier Andrey Belousov and Transport Minister Vitaly Saveliev at the annual Transport Week 2022 Forum held in Moscow, the Group said in a statement.

    The Group’s assets, DeloPorts and Ruscon, will act as the port and landside operators of the project using NUTEP Container Terminal in Novorossiysk, part of DeloPorts, which is capable of accommodating ferries carrying up to 100 road trains.

    Regular ferry service is planned to be launched by the end of this year starting with three voyages a week. On analyzing the first results of operations, the service frequency can be increased.

    Earlier this month Ruscon launched a ferry service between Novorossiysk and Samsun in Turkey with a weekly frequency.a

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