Neptune Logistics запустил мультимодальный сервис Наньша – Владивосток – Москва

Neptune Logistics Launches Multimodal Service from China to Moscow

  • China’s Neptune Logistics Group has launched a sea-rail service from Nansha to Moscow via Vladivostok. On September 30, the Group’s first cargo ship “Neptune Line” docked at Nansha to take on board cargo for Russian consignees.

    On the same day, the “Neptune Line” loaded with white home appliances, lamps and lanterns, communication equipment, chemicals, toys .and other cargoes departed for Vladivostok, from where some of the cargoes will continue travelling by rail to Moscow.

    The transit time from Nansha to Moscow is about 35 days.

    “The opening of this special sea-rail line allows Neptune to get greater operational initiative, autonomy and control, representing the determination of Neptune Logistics to solve the problem of capacity bottlenecks and give customers a better service experience,” Sky, Senior Director of Logistics Solution Center of Neptune Logistics Group, said.

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