Контейнерный сервис из Вьетнама в Россию по жд

Rail Container Service from Viet Nam to Russia

  • TransContainer has launched a new public rail service for shipping consumer goods from Viet Nam to Russia via the Zabaikalsk border crossing checkpoint.

    The train running from Hanoi to the station of Elektrougli in Moscow region will cover a distance of more than 10,000 km in some 35 days.

    The service is aimed for tea, coffee and clothes for retailers, according to Nikita Pushkaryov, Director, Sales and Customer Services with TransContainer.

    In the framework of the service, TransContainer organizes transport services on the territory of Viet Nam, China and Russia using its own containers.

    The company also can offer storage and stuffing in Viet Nam as well as customs clearance and international insurance services.

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