Экспорт цветных металлов, 2021 год: вывоз алюминия вырос более чем на четверть

Aluminum Export Up Over 25% in 2021

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    According to the RF Federal Customs Service, during 2021 Russia exported 3.5 mn tons of unwrought aluminum, up 29.3% year-on-year. In terms of value, unwrought aluminum export surged by 67.8% year-on-year up to more than $7.1 bn.

    Refined copper and unwrought copper alloys export declined by 40.3% year-on-year making 463 thousand tons worth over $3.8 bn, down 17.1% year-on-year.

    Unwrought nickel export in 2021 decreased by 66.5% year-on-year amounting to 45.4 thousand tons worth $795.8 mn, down 57.3% year-on-year.

    In December, unwrought aluminum export made 414 thousand tons, up 54.9% year-on-year and up 81.4% month-on-month. In terms of value, unwrought aluminum export surged 2.6-fold and grew by 96.9% month-on-month to make over $1 bn.

    Refined copper and unwrought copper alloys export was down 81.1% year-on-year and up 11.3-fold month-on-month to 22.5 thousand tons worth $212.2 mn, down 75.1% year-on-year and up 16.1-fold month-on-month.

    Unwrought nickel export in December was down 98.9% year-on-year and up 3-fold month-on-month to 300 tons. In terms of value, it dropped by 98.6% year-on-year and up 5.8-fold month-on-month to make $6.4 mn.

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