Ледокол «Арктика» вышел на ходовые испытания

World’s Most Powerful Icebreaker Starts Sea Trials

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    On June 23 the nuclear icebreaker “Arktika”, the lead icebreaker of the 22220 Project, left Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg for the final stage of sea trials.

    According to the shipyard, during the coming three weeks the vessel systems and equipment will be tested in the Gulf of Finland.

    The trials programme includes checking the steam turbine, the electric propulsion systems, the shafting and deck mechanisms, the automation and other vessel systems.

    An important part of the trials will be testing the navigation and communications systems and the helicopter facilities.

    After returning to the yard from the sea trials the vessel will be delivered to the customer, the state corporation Rosatom. The icebreaker is to be put into operation this year.

    Vessel characteristics:

    • LOA – 173.3 m,
    • Beam – 34 m,
    • Draft – 10.5 m / 8.65 m,
    • Speed – 22 knots (in clear water),
    • Power capacity – 60 MWt,
    • Icebreaking capacity – 2.8 m,
    • Life cycle – 40 years.

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