В морской перевалочный комплекс аммиака и удобрений в Тамани инвестируют 60 млрд

60 Billion Investment for Taman Ammonia and Fertilizers Terminal

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    Denis Manturov, RF Vice Premier and Minister of industry and trade, has visited the construction site of Togliattiazot’s ammonia and fertilizers terminal in the port of Taman, the RF Government press office reports.

    At the meeting he held on the site the progress of the project was discussed. Manturov noted that the terminal in Taman is of high importance for the stability of ammonia and fertilizers supply to the international and the home markets.

    This is the first facility of the kind in Russia, Manturov said adding that the total investment into the project will make 60 bn rubles ($795.1 mn), most the sum to be funded by Togliattiazot.

    The terminal capacity will make 5 mn tons per annum to be phased in stage by stage. The first stage will have an annual capacity up to 2 mn tons of ammonia, the second stage is to provide handling of 3.5 mn tons of ammonia and 1.5 mn tons of carbamide.

    Photo: RF Government press office

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