Фрахтовый рынок Балтики и Северо-Западной Европы, неделя 15, 2021

Import Up, Export Down via Baltic Customs in January-August 2021

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    Foreign trade turnover via the Baltic Customs made $31.3 bn in January-August 2021.

    During the first eight months of the year, the number of cargo declarations issued made more than 246.1 thousand including 215.5 thousand of import declarations and 30.5 thousand of export declarations.

    The number of foreign trade agents active in the Baltic Customs’ zone exceeded 9.7 thousand during the period under report.

    In terms of tonnage, over 19.2 mn tons of cargo was declared via the Baltic Customs, up 3% year-on-year. Import traffic was up 11.9% to 7.9 thousand tons, while export declined by 2.5% down to 11.2 mn tons.

    A significant share in the import volume was fruit accounting for 20.1%. Other top import commodities were inorganic chemical products, polymer materials, equipment, and ferrous metals.

    The top export commodities were ore, stag and ash (32.3%), fertilizers, timber and woodwork, salt, sulphur, soil and stones, and ferrous metals.

    The major countries of origin for import cargo in the Baltic Customs region in January-August 2021 were China, Ecuador, Germany, South Africa, and India.

    The top countries of destination for export via the Baltic Customs were China (its share made 36.4%), Turkey and Brazil.

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