Правительство расширило территорию морского порта Тамань

Taman Port Boundaries Expanded

  • The Government of the Russian Federation has expanded the boundaries of the port of Taman by including additional territories. An order to this effect was signed by RFV Premier Mikhail Mishustin, RF Government press office said in a statement.

    The territories will be used to develop an ammonia and fertilizers terminal with an annual capacity of 5 million tons. The terminal will include warehousing facilities, ammonia pipelines, berths, rail and road approaches, and other infrastructure.

    Stage 1 of the project will have a capacity of 2 million tons of ammonia per annum. Stage 2 will expand the terminal capacity to 3.5 million tons of ammonia and 1.5 million tons of carbamide per annum.

    The terminal is to become fully operational in 2025. The estimated cost of the project is 60 billion rubles ($649 million).

    The new terminal will operate as a closed-cycle facility, which will eliminate the possibility of atmospheric emissions and minimize environmental impact. The environmental situation will be monitored by a special accredited laboratory.

    Photo: OTEKO

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