Автомобили из Китая, прибывшие в Россию по реке Амур, доставлены в Московскую область

Cars from China Delivered to Russia by Amur River Arrive in Moscow Region

  • TransContainer has delivered from Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East to Moscow region the first shipment delivered to Russian from China by the Amur River. This is the first time such logistics solution has been used, the company said in a statement.

    The cargo was delivered from Fuyuan in Heilongjiang Province in China to Khabarovsk in Russia by a river barge, loaded on board a block train at TransContainer’s terminal at the railway station of Khabarovsk-2 and carried to the station of Kupavna in Moscow region. Containers and fitting platforms are provided by TransContainer.

    The first shipment consisting of fifty 40’ containers laden with 100 Chinese-made cars was unloaded at the destination on October 17. In fiuture, some 600 cars are to be transported using this scheme. Part of them will be carried be the closure of this year’s river navigation, the rest will be delivered next year when the Amur will be re-opened for navigation in spring.

    Photo: courtesy of TransContainer

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