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Northern River Shipping Co Starts Cargo Delivery for Vostok Oil Project

  • In early July, the first vessels operated by Northern River Shipping Company started delivering cargo for Vostok Oil project, the company said in a statement.

    The first caravan consisting of the “OT-2047” tugboat towing a barge loaded with pipes is proceeding from Novy Port to Kamannaya Bay and, when the ice conditions permit, will continue to the Yenissei River and the settlement of Karaul.

    Another caravan consisting of the MV “Primorye”, a barge loaded with pipes and a 16 tons capacity floating crane has passed Yamburg and is proceeding towards the Yenissei Bay to the settlement of Vorontsovo.

    Earlier, in late June, RN-Vankor, a subsidiary of Rosneft, started delivering cargo for Vostok Oil by the Yenissei River and the Northern Sea Route.

    And this week, the company is starting drilling operations at the Baikalovsky field of Vostok Oil Project.

    Photo: Northern River Shipping Company

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