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Rapeseed Export Temporarily Banned

  • The Government of the Russian Federation has reintroduced a temporary ban for rapeseed export. According to the government press office, the ban will be in force till February 28, 2023.

    The ban previously introduced was in force during March 31 – August 31, 2022. It allowed of increasing the utilization of Russian factories making rapeseed oil, and supply livestock farms with fodder, the Government said in a statement.

    The ban does not apply to rapeseeds exported to the Eurasian Union countries, South Ossetia, Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.

    It does not apply to rapeseed export in the framework of international intergovernmental agreements and humanitarian aid to foreign countries either.

    Export duty for soybean export will remain 20%, but no less than $100 per ton, till August 31, 2024.

    Photo: Ministry of Agriculture

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