Первая партия оливкового масла из Сирии в Новороссийск

First Shipment of Olive Oil from Syria to Novorossiysk

  • The dry cargo vessel “Sparta II” operated by Oboronlogistics has completed her voyage to Syria. The vessel delivered over 2,000 tons of pipes, rolled metal products, electric equipment, chemical products, fuel and lubricants from Novorossiysk to Tartus.

    In her return voyage, the vessel brought to Novorossiysk the first shipment of olive oil, Oboronlogistics has informed. In future, such shipments are planned to be carried out on a regular basis as sanctions-hit Russian importers are finding new suppliers outside Europe.

    ‘Agriproducts made in Syria are no worse, and, often, even better than similar Western products. Olive oil production in Syria has a thousand-year history. Before the war, Syria was one of the global leaders rating the second larges olive oil producer after Spain. Now, the industry is reviving,’ Oboronlogistics said.

    Photo: Oboronlogistics

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