Контейнерный поезд из Гуанъюаня в Петербург

Block Train from Chinese Guangyuan to St. Petersburg Launched

  • A China-Europe block train loaded with 50 containers of coated paper, mechanical and electrical products left on Wednesday Guangyuan in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province for St. Petersburg in Russia, marking the launch of Guangyuan’s first China-Europe freight train route.

    Carrying the goods worth 11 mn yuan, the train is scheduled to arrive in its destination via the Alashankou Port in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Kazakhstan in 12 days, Xinhua reports.

    Compared with traditional sea transport, the China-Europe freight train service can reduce total shipping time by about 20 days, thus saving enterprises 10% to 15% of supply chain costs and logistics expenditure, according to Fei Teng, head of Sichuan Shanjiu Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., which is one of the operators of the freight train.

    Photo: Xinhua 

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