According to the Statistics Finland, freight traffic by the Saimaa Canal amounted to 25.8 thousand tons during January 2022, down 59.3% year-on-year.
15 cargo vessels transited the Canal during the period under report, down 57.1% year-on-year.
Timber and logs transportation dropped by 52.5% down to 8.9 thousand tons. Cement was down 68.4% to 4.4 thousand tons.
Pulp transportation declined by 50.2% down to 4.5 thousand tons, sawn goods by 38.6% down to 3.7 thousand tons.
In January 2022, 2.3 thousand tons of metal and 2 thousand tons of coal was shipped by the Saimaa Canal, while in January last year these commodities were not carried by the route.