Новый совет директоров «Совкомфлота»

Sovcomflot Shareholders Elect Board of Directors

  • AGMOn June 15, 2021, the Annual General Meeting of PAO Sovcomflot shareholders was held. Owners of 87% of the shares of Sovcomflot took part in the voting, the company reports.

    The shareholders approved the Annual Report, the Annual Accounting Statements and the distribution of the net profit of Sovcomflot for 2020.

    In accordance with the recommendation of the company’s Board of Directors the shareholders allocated 15,841,209,319.67 rubles for to the payment of dividends on the Sovcomflot shares based on the 2020 results (for the account of net profit based on 2020 performance and a part of the undistributed profit from previous years). The amount of dividends per share is 6.67 rubles. The total amount of payments will be 84% of the consolidated profit attributable to the owners of Sovcomflot according to the IFRS financial statements prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law No. 208-FZ “On Consolidated Financial Statements” dated 27 July 2010. 

    July 5, 2021 was set as the deadline for listing the persons entitled to receive dividends. Dividends will be paid to nominee shareholders no later than on 19 July 2021 and to other shareholders registered in the shareholder register – no later than on 9 August 2021.

    The shareholders elected members of the Board of Directors, numbering 11, composed as follows:

    • Olga Dergunova – Deputy President and Chairman of VTB Bank (PAO) Management Board;
    • Mikhail Kuznetsov – Director of the Centre of Systemic Transformations of the Economic faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University;
    • Alexey Moiseev – Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation;
    • Nikolay Podguzov – Chairman of the Management Board of Eurasian Development Bank;
    • Alexandr Poshivay – Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation;
    • Alexey Sadikov – Assistant of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov;
    • Pavel Sorokin – Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation;
    • Igor Tonkovidov – Chief Executive Officer of PAO Sovcomflot;
    • Sergey Frank – Member of the Board of Directors of PAO Sovcomflot;
    • Walid Chammah – Partner, Chammah & Partners, LLC;
    • Andrey Sharonov – President of Moscow School of Management “Skolkovo”.
    • O.Dergunova, M.Kuznetsov, W.Chammah, and A.Sharonov were elected as independent directors.

    The shareholders made a decision to elect three members of the Internal Audit Commission, approved OOO Ernst & Young as the auditor of PAO Sovcomflot and determined the amount of remuneration of the Board of Directors and Internal Audit Commission members.

    The shareholders also approved the Charter of PAO Sovcomflot, the Regulations on Remuneration and Reimbursement of Expenses to Members of the Board of Directors of PAO Sovcomflot and the Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PAO Sovcomflot as amended.

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