Фрахтовые ставки из порта Усть-Луга, неделя 2, 2021

Freight Rates from Ust-Luga, Week 2, 2021

  • In a move to reduce prices in the domestic market, the Russian Government is considering increasing the export due for wheat from the earlier announced 25 euro per ton up to 50 euro per ton.

    According to Sea Lines ship brokers, on week 2 there are a lot of 10,000-20,000 dwt vessels in the Continent region that came there with fertilizers loaded from North Africa in December.

    Many owners who do not know the Baltic market well enough have rate ideas with a $5-6 variation, which makes it possible for charterers to choose the most profitable rates.

    In the Mediterranean and in the Casablanca area rates are growing due to the adverse weather conditions that lead to longer voyages.

    On week 2, freight rates for 30,000-35,000 dwt bulkers from Ust-Luga moved sideways.

    Thus, rates on the Ust-Luga – Continent – Ust-Luga were $19 pmt, rates from Ust-Luga to North Spain were $17 pmt, and those to Casablanca were $21 pmt.

    Rates from Ust-Luga were $25 pmt to West Med rates, and $27.5 pmt to East Med.

    Rates for 30,000-35,000 dwt bulkers from Ust-Luga to the Black Sea amounted to $29 pmt.

    In the short sea Baltic market, there was more activity on week 2 after the New Year holidays. Many owners avoid loading in the ports of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia due to the bad weather preferring taking cargoes designated for the Continent.

    The main trade currently is grain from Southern Baltic ports like Klaipeda and Riga to ARAG and Great Britain, with rates growing in this segment.

    On week 2, freight rates for smaller bulkers from Ust-Luga increased for most destinations.

    Thus, rates from Ust-Luga to Riga made €17.25 pmt. And those to Gdansk were €19.25 pmt.

    Freight rates from Ust-Luga made €23.25 pmt to Szczecin, €25.25 to Flensburg, and 27.25 to Hamburg.

    Rates from Ust-Luga were €30.5 pmt to ARAG, €40.25 pmt to East Britain, €42 pmt to West Britain, and €42.5 pmt to Dublin.

    Please note that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration.

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