
Flower Imports to Russia Slightly Down in Q1 2020

  • This article uses the data of the SeaNews Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service available for subscribers.

    According to SeaNews Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service, in Q1 2020 Russia imported $104.7 mn worth of cut flowers, down 1.6% year-on-year.

    Roses account for the majority of imports with 238.9 mn flowers (-1.4%) worth $49.5 mn (+2.5%) imported, mostly from Belarus, Ecuador and Kenya.

    Import of chrysanthemums rose by 0.9% up to 79.1 mn flowers worth $15.2 mn, up 1.3%. The main countries of origin were Belarus, the Netherlands and Spain.

    Import of carnations increased by 5% up to 44.2 mn flowers worth $4.4 mn, mainly from Belarus, Colombia and Ecuador.

    Lilies import made 3.1 mn flowers (+6.9%) worth $1.4 mn (-6.7%), the largest amount supplied from the Netherlands, Belarus and Italy.

    Import of orchids amounted to 1.3 mn flowers (-7.1%) worth $1.2 mn (-7.7%), mainly from the Netherlands, Thailand and Belarus.


    During the first quarter of 2020, cut flowers were imported into Russia from 49 countries. The main exporting countries were Belarus, Ecuador and the Netherlands.

    Imports from Belarus almost doubled in monetary terms amounting to $43.4 mn. Roses accounted for more than half of the supplies.

    In shipments from the Netherlands, chrysanthemums prevailed. In total, flowers worth $21.1 mn (-10.6%) were imported from that country.

    Flower imports from Ecuador decreased down to $16 mn (-22%) with roses making over 90% of the total.

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