«Глобал Логистикс» приобрели терминал в Новороссийске

Global Logistics Acquires Terminal in Novorossiysk

  • Global Logistics Acquires Terminal in NovorossiyskGlobal Logistics LLC has announced completing the acquisition of a terminal complex in Novorossiysk, which will be integrated into the company’s terminal, port and forwarding activities. 

    The terminal complex is intended for containers, general, bulk and dry cargo. The terminal will function as a “dry port” accumulating vessel lots for further transshipment via the berths of PJSC NCSP and JSC Novoroslesexport by the direct Terminal – Vessel variant.

    The terminal area is 5.5 ha. The complex includes a container yard with a simultaneous storage capacity of 3,500 TEU and the annual capacity up to 45 thousand TEU (1.2 million tons), a warehousing area of 10,000 square meters equipped with ramps for truck handling, a dedicated 1.1 km long rail branch, which allows to handle block trains.

    The terminal is located about 5-7 km from NCSP, NUTEP and Novoroslesexport and has a convenient connection to the railway station and is close to the federal M-4 Don highway.

    “The developed railway infrastructure, a proximity to the port, the warehousing complex allow to optimize the logistics costs and reduce the delivery period for import and export cargo flows”, commented A.Zilberberg, Director General of Global Logistics LLC.

    Video: Global Logistics 

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