FESCO увеличила частоту жд сервиса из Новороссийска в Москву

FESCO Doubles Novorossiysk Shuttle Service Frequency

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    FESCO Transpor Group has increased the frequency of its FESCO Novorossiysk Shuttle (FNS) railway container service from Novorossiysk to Moscow to twice a week, the Group has announced.

    Block trains run from the port of Novorossiysk in the Black Sea to the Bely Rast transport and logistics center in the Moscow region with a transit time of about 48 hours.

    The commodities carried consist mainly of consumer goods and construction materials imported from India, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and other countries delivered to Novorossiysk by FESCO-operated regular marine services.

    From Bely Rast, containers can be trucked to customers’ warehouse in Moscow or Moscow region, or they can be carried by FESCO’s regular train services to other destinations in Russia from both Bely Rast and other railway stations in the Moscow region.

    FESCO now offers delivery of containers from Novorossiysk to 37 destinations in Russia and also to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia.

    Photo: courtesy of FESCO

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