Продуктовый импорт, 7 месяцев 2020: в июле выросли поставки пальмового масла

Food Products Import in January-July 2020: Palm Oil Import Up

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    According to the RF Federal Customs Service’s statistics, in January-July 2020 fresh and frozen meat import was down 33.8% to 152 thousand tons.

    Fresh and frozen poultry import increased by 1.3% up to 131.1 thousand tons. Fish import declined by 9.8% down to 199 thousand tons. Canned meat and meat specialties import grew by 22.9% making 11.8 thousand tons.

    Milk and condensed cream import was down 16.4% to 87.2 thousand tons. Butter import increased by 16.9% amounting to 78.8 thousand tons. Cheese import grew by 11% up to 168.3 thousand tons.

    Palm oil import was up 5% to 570.1 thousand tons.

    Citrus fruit import was down 10% to 825.9 thousand tons. Banana import increased by 0.9% up to 929.5 thousand tons, and apple import by 5.8% up to 683.5 thousand tons.

    Raw sugar import decreased by 8.3% down to 3.3 thousand tons, white sugar import dropped by 45.9% down to 115 thousand tons.

    Coffee import in January-July grew by 5.3% up to 131.9 thousand tons, and tea import by 1.7% up to 88.4 thousand tons.

    In July, the following categories demonstrated a year-on-year decline in import volumes: citrus fruit (down 12.7% to 40 thousand tons), fresh and frozen meat (down 43.9% to 17.5 thousand tons), white sugar (down 48.2% to 11.3 thousand tons). Other food products import was up.

    Compared to June 2020, the import of palm oil, cheese, fish, fresh and frozen meat, milk and condensed cream increased, the rest of the food product categories under report were down.

    In July, coffee import increased by 2.6% year-on-year and by 2.6% month-on-month to make 19.4 thousand tons. Tea import was down 0.8% year-on-year and down 0.1% month-on-month to 12.2 thousand tons.

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