Порт Лагань включен в измененную схему территориального планирования РФ

New Port of Lagan Included into RF Territory Planning Scheme

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    The new port of Lagan project has been included into the RF territory planning scheme in the federal transport segment, the press office of the RF Agency for Maritime and River Transport said in a statement.

    The port to be built in the Caspian in the Republic of Kalmykia will have a capacity of 12.5 mn tons annually. The project envisages building a 5 mn tons capacity grain terminal, a 0.5 mn tons capacity liquid bulk terminal, a 5 mn tons capacity container terminals, and a 2 mn tons capacity general cargo terminal.

    The Republic of Kalmykia authorities have commenced developing the feasibility study in the framework of the Republic development programme approved by the RF Government.

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