«Совкомфлот» подписался с «Внешэкономбанком» и «ВЭБ-лизингом»

Sovcomflot, Vnesheconombank and VEB Leasing Sign Agreement

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    12 September during the 4th Eastern Economic Forum, a trilateral agreement on cooperation was signed between Sovcomflot, the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) and VEB Leasing.

    The document was signed by Sergey Frank, President and CEO of Sovcomflot, and Igor Shuvalov, Chairman of Vnesheconombank.

    According to Sovcomflot, the agreement underscores the willingness of the parties to jointly participate in the implementation of shipbuilding projects at Russian shipyards and import substitution projects, based on the experience accumulated by Sovcomflot following the construction of various state-of-the-art vessels at domestic shipyards. The agreement provides for the possibility of financial support for the implementation of innovative and advanced technologies, as well as improvements to the energy efficiency of vessels built at domestic shipyards.

    The companies involved have a successful experience of cooperation in the construction of two unique Arctic shuttle tankers (“Mikhail Ulyanov” and “Kirill Lavrov”) built to order for Sovcomflot Group, at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg, which are successfully operated under the national flag of the Russian Federation within the Prirazlomnoye offshore project (operated by Gazprom Neft).

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