106 млн долларов

Sberbank to Finance Fourth Shuttle Tanker for Novy Port

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Sovcomflot has secured $106 mn from Sberbank for up to 14 years to finance the construction of a new shuttle tanker. The Arc7 vessel will be deployed carrying crude from Novy Port in the Arctic under a long-term charter agreement with Gazprom neft.

    The tanker was contracted from Samsung Heavy Industries in July 2017 for $116.4 mn, according to Sovcomflot’s report for the 6 months of 2017, and is scheduled for delivery in October 2019.

    This is a third major deal of such kind between Sovcomflot and Sberbank, the first common project dates back to 2015, when the companies reached an agreement on financing the construction of three Arctic shuttle tankers for the Novy Port field (“Shturman Albanov”, “Sturman Ovtsyn” and “Shturman Malygin”).

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