Встреча российско-датской Рабочей группы по транспорту

Russian-Danish Transport Workgroup Meets in Copenhagen

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    January 25-26, the Russian-Danish bilateral workgroup for transport met in Copenhagen.

    According to the RF Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, Viktor Olersky, RF Deputy Transport minister, was at the head of the Russian delegation, and Andreas Nordset, Director General of the Danish Maritime Agency, headed the Danish delegation.

    The parties discussed the acknowledgement of Danish seafarers’ IDs, procedures in Russian ports, environmental measures in the Baltic, and implementation of the new IMOP regulations.

    The Russian party expressed interest in exchanging experience in using e-certificates in the framework of digitalization in shipping.

    The agenda also included cooperation in the environmental sphere in the Arctic, implementation of the Polar Code, activities of the environmental workgroup under the Arctic Council, etc.

    The parties also discussed cooperation in air and transportation between Russiia and Scandinavia and road haulage between the two countries.

    The next session of the Russian-Danish bilateral workgroup for transport is to take place in 2019 in Moscow.

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