Про реорганизацию ОТЛК

Reorganization of UTLC

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    The shareholders of United Transport Logistic Company at their extraordinary meeting on December 12 resolved to reorganize the company.

    According to Russian Railways, as a result of reorganization a new company, UTLC Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) is to be established to operate the services of UTLC and develop cargo transit on the territories of the countries, which are members of the project.

    UTLC ERA is to be incorporated on the ‘no asset’ basis with Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus each holding 33.33% shares in it.

    It is expected that this will help increase the involvement of all the shareholders and create comfortable conditions for their cooperation.

    The authorized capital stock of UTLC ERA will make 98.127 mn rubles.

    As a result of reorganization, a number of new subsidiaries of Russian Railways JSC are to be established, which will own the assets earlier invested as part of UTLC’s stock capital.

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