Hoegh Autoliners Carries Russian Locomotives to Cuba

Hoegh Autoliners Carries Russian Locomotives to Cuba

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    Seven locomotives manufactured by Sinara group arrived to Cuba from Russia. The rolling stock was loaded at Petrolesport in St. Petersburg and shipped by Hoegh Autoliners with transshipment via Bremerhafen.

    According to Hoegh Autoliners Agency Russia, it took just 15-20 minutes to roll off one locomotive mounted on a trailer from board the ship, and 20-30 minutes to put in on rails.
    The entire operation of unloading 7 locomotives takes some 3-4 hours, including putting the rolling stock on rail and rolling trailers on board the ship.

    The next shipment of Russian locomotives from St. Petersburg is scheduled in the second half of December with transshipment via Bremerhafen to the same vessels of Hoegh Autoliners that serve the Caribbean trade in the first half of January 2018. It will consist of 8 locomotives on 60-feet roll-trailers with rails.

    Sinara supplies locomotives to Cuba in the framework of the agreement between Russian Railways and the Cuban Railways aimed at modernizing the railway system in Cuba by 2021.


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