Группа компаний «НефтеТрансСервис» сменила собственников

NefteTransService Changes Ownership

  • NefteTransService has been sold to ‘independent investors’, the company said in a statement. According to the Russian business daily Kommersant, the buyers are ‘structures close to SUEK’.

    The deal is financed by a consortium of Russia’s leading banks. The cost of the deal is not divulged.

    According to the press release published by NefteTransService, the agreement between National Transport Company and the new owners provides for the sale of the entire gondola cars fleet which is to be handed over to the company during 2024.

    The decision on the development of the company’s oil business is to be taken later after a detailed analysis of the business and the market conditions.

    Andrey Chernikov, who served as Deputy Director, Operations, has been appointed CEO of NefteTransService.

    Photo: NefteTransService

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