Одобрен проект грузового терминала в порту Певек

Cargo Terminal Project for Pevek Port Gets Approval

  • The Main Department of State Expertise (Glavgosexpertiza) has granted approval to the project envisaging the construction of a cargo terminal in the port of Pevek on the Chukotka Peninsula in the Russian Arctic.

    The terminal will be located on Naglyoinyn Cape in Chaunskaya Guba Bay and will be capable of serving some 50 vessels per annum handling 1.8 mn tons of cargo a year.

    The terminal infrastructure will include a quayside 275 meters long, a port basin, a dam, storage facilities and other objects. The terminal will cover a territory of 224.86 ha.

    The construction of the channel and the port basin will require dredging on the territory of more than 120 ha. The channel will be 12.29 meters deep, and the depth in the port basin at the berths will make 11.89 meters. This will allow of accommodating vessels of some 40,000 dwt.

    The terminal is designed to handle cargo shipped by the Northern Sea Route including copper concentrate mined at the Peschanka copper field in Chukotka.

    The project implementation schedule consists of five stages.

    Photo: Glavgosexpertiza / LenMorNIIProekt

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